3003 H18 H24 蜂窩材料用鋁捲/建築工地集裝箱用寬卷,火車蒙皮
3003 h18 aluminum coil belongs to rolled-up aluminum sheet, which just performs work hardening after casting and rolling. Without annealing, the high hardness is obtained. Under the another temper H24, 3003 aluminum coil is incompletely annealed, and the tensile strength is 50MPa higher than that in annealed condition. Therefore, 3003 h18 aluminium coil is the perfect material for the honeycomb core. And 3003 H24 aluminum sheet is used for aluminum honeycomb panel surface.
3003 h18 Aluminium Honeycomb Core
如上所述,3003 h18鋁捲廣泛用於蜂窩芯。常用厚度為0.02~0.06mm。因為蜂窩芯是鋁蜂窩板的中間結構,起著重要的支撐作用。
採用3003-h18蜂窩箔卷材,強度遠高於1100級,使最終的鋁蜂窩板不易變形,複合後板面平整度高。因此,3003 h18鋁捲在建築領域的ACP和蜂窩板中很受歡迎。