5083 H111Marine Shipbuilding Aluminum Plate Delivery terms in India.
AOYIN Aluminium ass e professionnelle Aluminiumplack Hiersteller a Liwwerant 5083 H111 Käschtepräis mat méi wéi 10 Joer Erfahrung. Eis Haaptprodukter enthalen verschidde Legierung vun Aluminiumplack, Sträif, Folie, Faarf Beschichtete Aluminiumspiral, Aluminiumgeprägt Platte, Diamant Aluminiumplacke, an Aluminiumfolie. Aluminium China kann China Marine 5083 H111Marine Shipbuilding Aluminiumplack produzéieren. an et kann op d'Gréisst vun de Clienten geschnidden ginn.
5083 H111 Aluminum Plate are used in marine vessels, tanks and other fields, so they have more stringent process requirements and performance standards than other common aluminum alloy products. The selection of marine aluminum plates is more stringent. At present, an aluminum alloy such as 5083, 5086, 5454, 5754 and 6061 aluminum are used as Marine Shipbuilding Aluminum Plate. Among them, 5083 and 5086 stand out because of its wide application and good performance.5083 Aluminum Plate can be seen as representatives of the 5 series Marine Aluminum Plate products, the state has O, H111, H112, H116, H321, 5083 aluminum alloy components: aluminum Al: allowance, Si Si: 0.40, or less copper Cu: 0.10 or less, magnesium Mg: 4.0 ~ 4.9, zinc, zinc, manganese acuities were 0.25 Mn: 0.40 ~ 1.0 Ti Ti: 0.15 or less chromium Cr: 0.05 ~ 0.25 iron Fe: 0 ~ 0.400, 5083 Aluminum Plate has medium strength, corrosion resistance and good formability, high resistance to fatigue, generally used as the main hull structure. Others, such as 5052, 5086, 5454, and 5456, are also used in the hull structure or pressure vessels, pipelines, hull and deck.
5083 H111Marine Shipbuilding Aluminum Plate Delivery terms in India price normal sizes in the market:
An déi allgemeng Gréisste vun eisen Aluminiumprodukter sinn 1000 * 2000mm, 1200 * 2400mm, 1220 * 2440mm, 1500 * 3000mm, 2000 * 4000mm, 2500 * 5000 AOYIN bitt One-Stop-Léisung fir ze produzéieren, ze transportéieren, ze veraarbechten an ze veraarbechten. Service. A Spezifikatioune kënnen no Clienten Ufuerderunge adaptéiert ginn, wéi Dicke, Breet a Längt, etc.. Gratis Proben sinn verfügbar. Mir hunn berufflech Ofsaz Equipe an Transport Equipe. Egal wou Dir sidd, Dir kënnt eis héichqualitativ Aluminiumprodukter benotzen, déi einfach a praktesch sinn.
5083 H111 also used in tank,soild stroage regular size:2000*3500mm 2000*5200mm 2000*6200mm 2000*7100mm
AOYIN Aluminiumprodukter Präis Berechnungsmethod:
AOYIN Al Blat / Sträif / Folie / coil Präis ëmfaasst zwee Deeler: Changjiang Plaz A00 Al ingot Moyenne Feierowend Präis op den Dag vun Liwwerung + Veraarbechtung dossier. Zënter datt den Aluminiumstéckpräis all Dag schwankt, sou datt den Aluminiumplack / Sträif / Folie / Spule Präis e bëssen anescht wäert sinn. Wann Dir de 5083 H111 Aluminiumplack Liwwerbegrëffer Präis pro Tonne wësse wëllt, fillt Dir Iech gratis ze kontaktéieren.
Whatsapp:+86 15227122305 Email:export012@aymatels.com.