5083 H111Marine Shipbuilding Aluminum Plate Delivery terms in India.
AOYIN aluminium mangrupikeun produsén Plat Aluminium profésional sareng supplier 5083 H111 harga harga kalayan pangalaman langkung ti 10 taun. produk utama urang ngawengku rupa alloy Aluminium Lempeng, strip, foil, Warna coated Aluminium Coil, Aluminium Embossed Lempeng, Inten Aluminium Lempeng, sarta Aluminium Foil .aluminium Cina bisa rancang Cina Kelautan 5083 H111Marine Shipbuilding Aluminium Lempeng istilah Pangiriman kalawan loba alloy na tempers, sarta eta bisa motong kana ukuran dina kabutuhan konsumén.
5083 H111 Aluminum Plate are used in marine vessels, tanks and other fields, so they have more stringent process requirements and performance standards than other common aluminum alloy products. The selection of marine aluminum plates is more stringent. At present, an aluminum alloy such as 5083, 5086, 5454, 5754 and 6061 aluminum are used as Marine Shipbuilding Aluminum Plate. Among them, 5083 and 5086 stand out because of its wide application and good performance.5083 Aluminum Plate can be seen as representatives of the 5 series Marine Aluminum Plate products, the state has O, H111, H112, H116, H321, 5083 aluminum alloy components: aluminum Al: allowance, Si Si: 0.40, or less copper Cu: 0.10 or less, magnesium Mg: 4.0 ~ 4.9, zinc, zinc, manganese acuities were 0.25 Mn: 0.40 ~ 1.0 Ti Ti: 0.15 or less chromium Cr: 0.05 ~ 0.25 iron Fe: 0 ~ 0.400, 5083 Aluminum Plate has medium strength, corrosion resistance and good formability, high resistance to fatigue, generally used as the main hull structure. Others, such as 5052, 5086, 5454, and 5456, are also used in the hull structure or pressure vessels, pipelines, hull and deck.
5083 H111Marine Shipbuilding Aluminum Plate Delivery terms in India price normal sizes in the market:
Sareng ukuran umum produk aluminium kami nyaéta 1000 * 2000mm, 1200 * 2400mm, 1220 * 2440mm, 1500 * 3000mm, 2000 * 4000mm, 2500 * 5000 AOYIN nyayogikeun solusi hiji-eureun pikeun nguji, ngangkut, ngolah sareng, saatos dijual. palayanan. Jeung spésifikasi bisa ngaropéa nurutkeun sarat konsumén ', kayaning ketebalan, rubak jeung panjang, jsb sampel Free sadia. Simkuring gaduh tim jualan profésional sarta tim transporting. Henteu masalah dimana anjeun, anjeun tiasa nganggo produk aluminium kualitas luhur kami, nu gampang tur merenah.
5083 H111 also used in tank,soild stroage regular size:2000*3500mm 2000*5200mm 2000*6200mm 2000*7100mm
Métode itungan harga produk aluminium AOYIN:
AOYIN aluminium lambar / strip / foil / harga coil ngawengku dua bagian: Changjiang titik A00 aluminium ingot harga nutup rata dina dinten pangiriman + fee processing. Kusabab harga ingot aluminium fluctuates poean, jadi harga lambar aluminium / strip / foil / coil bakal saeutik béda. Upami anjeun hoyong terang 5083 H111 Aluminium Lempeng Pangiriman istilah harga per ton, mangga ngarasa Luncat ngahubungan kami.
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