3003 H18 H24 Aluminium coil kanggo bahan honeycomb/wide coil digunakake ing situ
3003 h18 aluminum coil belongs to rolled-up aluminum sheet, which just performs work hardening after casting and rolling. Without annealing, the high hardness is obtained. Under the another temper H24, 3003 aluminum coil is incompletely annealed, and the tensile strength is 50MPa higher than that in annealed condition. Therefore, 3003 h18 aluminium coil is the perfect material for the honeycomb core. And 3003 H24 aluminum sheet is used for aluminum honeycomb panel surface.
3003 h18 Aluminium Honeycomb Core
Kaya kasebut ing ndhuwur, 3003 h18 aluminium coil digunakake digunakake kanggo inti honeycomb. Ketebalan umum 0.02 ~ 0.06mm. Kanggo inti honeycomb punika struktur penengah panel aluminium honeycomb, lan muter peran ndhukung penting.
Gunakake coil foil honeycomb 3003-h18, kekuatane luwih dhuwur tinimbang kelas 1100, nggawe panel honeycomb alu final ora gampang deform, lan flatness panel dhuwur sawise senyawa adesif. Dadi, koil aluminium 3003 h18 populer ing panel ACP lan honeycomb ing lapangan konstruksi.
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