Aluminom Plate 5754 maka ụgbọ ala tankị
A na-eji efere aluminom 5754 mee ihe maka gwongworo tankị, ụgbọ ala ndị njem, ụgbọ mmiri, wdg. Ọ bụ nke Al-Mg mgbochi nchara aluminom, nke bụ ike ọkara, nguzogide corrosion dị mma, weldability na nhazi na nhazi dị mfe.

Uru nke 5754 aluminum efere
1. 5754 aluminum plate is of light weight. It density is only 2.71g/cm3. The 5754 aluminum alloy of the same volume is almost only 1/3 of the weight of steel.
2. 5754 aluminium plate has strong corrosion resistance. The tankers made of aluminum alloy can transport various liquids or liquefied gases without any protective layer inside.
3. Uru mgbake nke 5754 aluminum mpempe akwụkwọ dị oke elu. Mgbe emechara ya, ahụ aluminom alloy tank ahụ enweghị nnukwu mmebi ma enwere ike ịmegharị ya ma jiri ya mee ihe.
4. Aluminom efere nwere ezigbo conductivity na ike absorption arụmọrụ, na-enye aka na obere ihe mberede dị njọ dị ka mgbawa.