Aluminium Phaj Sheet 5754 Rau Silo Tank khoom
5754 txhuas phaj yog dav siv rau silo tank, siab tank, neeg nrog caij tsheb, nkoj, thiab lwm yam. Nws belongs rau Al-Mg anti-xeb txhuas, uas yog nruab nrab lub zog, zoo corrosion kuj, weldability thiab yooj yim ua thiab sib sau. Nws yog dav siv nyob rau hauv cov neeg nrog caij tsheb, tank tsheb, nkoj, offshore chaw, thiab lwm yam.
Vim li cas thiaj xaiv alloy aluminium ntawv rau tank tsheb ??
Nrog rau txoj kev loj hlob ntawm lub tsheb hnyav, aluminium alloy load tanker tau maj mam hloov steel tank tsheb. Raws li cov khoom siv logistics tseem ceeb, cov tsheb thauj khoom siv dav siv hauv kev lag luam tsheb thauj mus los.
Rau cov tsheb thauj khoom, qhov hnyav ntawm lub tank lub cev suav rau feem ntau ntawm qhov hnyav ntawm tag nrho lub tsheb. Txo qhov hnyav ntawm lub tank lub cev tau dhau los ua qhov tseem ceeb ntawm ntau lub tuam txhab tsheb thauj khoom
Qhov zoo ntawm 5754 txhuas phaj
1. 5754 aluminum plate is lightweight. Its density is only 2.71g/cm3. The 5754 aluminum alloy of the same volume is almost only 1/3 of the weight of steel.
2. 5754 aluminum plate has strong corrosion resistance. The tankers made of aluminum alloy can transport various liquids or liquefied gases without any protective layer inside.
3. Tus nqi rov qab ntawm 5754 txhuas ntawv yog siab heev. Tom qab muab pov tseg, aluminium alloy tank lub cev tsis muaj kev puas tsuaj loj thiab tuaj yeem rov ua dua thiab rov siv dua.
4. Cov phaj txhuas muaj cov khoom siv hluav taws xob zoo thiab lub zog nqus dej ua haujlwm, ua rau muaj kev sib tsoo me me xws li tawg.
Specification ntawm 5754 txhuas ntawv
Qhov loj ntawm 5754 txhuas phaj